H.C.Andersen Information






"The Flying Suitcase"


 The time has come to proceed to the next, and just as interesting, stage: The pupils' own production of fairy tales -using free fantasy.

Either choose the classic fairy-tale genre with the elements which we have mentioned previously, or let the pupils create a 'modem' fairy tale (and they might find this just as exciting) us­ing all the elements of cartoons and television. As long as they do not copy an entire piece!

 Whether you want to create one collective fairy tale involving the entire class, or you wish to let smaller groups work together on a fantasy story , or even make it a totally individual project, is up to you as the teacher. A good deal depends on how the work can be organized, as de­mands on the teacher will increase, the smaller the groups are. The latter is certainly a challenge and offers better possibilities for differentiating teaching methods and thus taking into consideration the individual pupil's needs and skills.

 In any case, it is possible to choose the same structure for the subsequent work, as the one we suggested when working with "The Flying Suitcase".

Foto: Lars Bjørnsten Odense




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